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Aumento en el mercado del caucho natural (TSR) en medio de retrasos en el proceso de extracción de caucho

Laem Chabang, Tailandia: En mayo de 2024, el STR 20 de caucho natural (TSR) siguió un escenario de mercado alcista, ya que el mercado se vio gravemente afectado por la escasez de oferta del mercado de látex como materia prima. Las zonas de producción de materias primas se vieron afectadas por la temporada de lluvias, lo que hizo que los productores retrasaran su proceso de extracción de caucho, sin embargo, la demanda del sector automotriz y de neumáticos fue fuerte, pero debido al retraso en la producción que resultó en los envíos tardíos, el Caucho Natural (TSR) STR 20 enfrentó una pendiente en su tendencia.

En Tailandia, el mercado de caucho natural (TSR) STR 20 experimentó una fuerte pendiente del 13,37% y alcanzó los 1780 USD/TM (FOB-Laem Chabang) en mayo de 2024. El escenario alcista del mercado se atribuyó a la interrupción en la cadena de suministro del STR 20 de caucho natural (TSR). Debido a la escasez de materia prima de látex, el costo de producción del caucho natural (TSR) STR 20 se inclinó a un ritmo más alto. El área de producción de caucho natural (TSR) STR 20 en Tailandia se vio afectada por las condiciones climáticas en Tailandia, lo que afectó negativamente el proceso de extracción de caucho y, por lo tanto, afectó el mercado de materias primas.

Furthermore, the major importing nation of Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 was affected by the heavy rainfall as well. In China, the Yunnan production area was hit by a drought, and at the same time, the Hainan production area was affected by the heavy rainfall, therefore, the rubber tapping process for Latex was halted resulting in the supply tightening of the raw material leading to the prices hike for Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20. Furthermore, the major producer of Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20, Thailand faced warnings on weather conditions. Thailand’s meteorological agency has issued warnings about «severe weather conditions,» predicting «heavy to very heavy rains» and potential «flash floods» from May 17 to 22.

As of May 26, 2024, the total inventory of Tianjiao Bonded and General Trade in Qingdao was recorded at 539,100 tons. This marks a decrease of 8,900 tons or 1.63% compared to the previous period, indicating a notable reduction in stock levels of Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20. Breaking down the inventory, the bonded zone, which holds goods intended for international trade that are not subject to domestic taxes, had 71,400 tons. This represents a decrease of 1.38%, showing a slight but significant reduction in the amount of bonded inventory. The general trade inventory, which consists of goods traded for domestic consumption and subject to standard import tariffs and regulations, was 467,700 tons. This segment saw a decrease of 1.66%, indicating a more substantial reduction compared to the bonded inventory. Currently, the port of Qingdao is in a state of destocking, meaning that the outflow of goods is surpassing the inflow, leading to a gradual reduction in overall inventory levels. This destocking phase can be attributed to various factors, such as increased demand for Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20, strategic inventory management by traders, or a slowdown in new shipments arriving at the port. The ongoing reduction in Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 stock levels suggests that goods are being actively moved out of storage, to meet market demands and in response to changing trade conditions.

As per Vantage Market Research, the Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 is anticipated to face an incline in its trend due to the supply tightening of the raw materials. Furthermore, from mid to late June, the rainy season might contribute to the disrupted rubber-tapping process in Thailand, resulting in increased production costs and ultimately, resulted in heightened prices for Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20. Tire companies are limiting their procurement activities and are wary of buying high-priced Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 raw materials. Currently, the inventory of Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 at ports is steadily decreasing. The Natural Rubber (TSR) STR 20 spot market is anticipated to experience high volatility in early June, with a potential slight decline expected in the middle to later stages of the month.

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