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Haldia Petrochemicals firma un acuerdo de nafta de 10 años con QatarEnergy

Haldia Petrochemicals Limited (HPL), uno de los principales actores de la India en el mercado petroquímico, ha revelado una asociación estratégica con QatarEnergy para asegurar un suministro de nafta a largo plazo. Según el acuerdo, QatarEnergy entregará hasta dos millones de toneladas de nafta a HPL, a través de su subsidiaria de propiedad total, HPL Global Pte Limited, Singapur, durante un período de diez años a partir del segundo trimestre de 2024.

En un acuerdo histórico, HPL Global Pte Ltd. (filial de Singapur de Haldia Petrochemicals) y QatarEnergy (que representa a Qatar Petroleum para la venta de Petroleum Products Company Ltd.) firmaron un acuerdo a largo plazo. Este acuerdo significa la colaboración más significativa entre las dos compañías hasta el momento. Esta asociación estratégica asegura el suministro de hasta dos millones de toneladas de nafta durante la próxima década, a partir del segundo trimestre de 2024. El acuerdo subraya una importante colaboración destinada a garantizar un suministro estable y confiable de nafta, crucial para las operaciones de HPL, fortaleciendo así las posiciones de ambas compañías en el mercado petroquímico mundial.

Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs and President and CEO of QatarEnergy, expressed satisfaction with the agreement, emphasizing his delight in signing it and reiterating their unwavering dedication to bolstering India’s economic advancement. He emphasized their pride in the longstanding exemplary relationship between their respective entities, as well as between the State of Qatar and the Republic of India. Minister Al-Kaabi further underscored Qatar’s position as a dependable and trusted energy supplier to India. He highlighted the collaborative efforts with key strategic partners like Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. to address the changing energy needs of the region’s petrochemical sector.

Dr. Purnendu Chatterjee, Chairman of HPL, stated that they are pleased to announce this landmark strategic agreement with QatarEnergy, which will further solidify HPL’s longstanding partnership with one of their key growth partners. He noted that this significant agreement aligns with HPL’s ongoing efforts in business development and strategic investment to meet the demands of their global customers, while maintaining the high quality of products.

Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd is a well-known naphtha-based petrochemical complex situated near Kolkata in Haldia, West Bengal, India. As a customer-centric organization, HPL is renowned for its commitment to delivering high-quality products and services. The complex produces a wide range of polymers and chemicals that serve various industries, including packaging, agriculture, automotive, and healthcare. HPL’s strategic focus on innovation, sustainability, and partnerships ensures its position as a leading supplier in the petrochemical sector, consistently meeting the evolving needs of its global customer base.

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